
Entry (1/4)1  ainga
Part of speech  2  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  3  [1.1] Fibatana, fialana.
Explanations in English  4  [1.2] (root not much used)
Explanations in French  5  [1.3] action de soulever, de lever, d'aller charcher
6  Active verbs :
7  Passive verbs :
8  Relative verbs :
9  Names :

Entry (2/4)10  ainga
Part of speech  11  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  12  [1.1] Tombon' isa omena mialoha, izany hoe ambony ampanga ankoatra ny loka
Examples  13  Homeko ainga impito mandingana ise, fa andeha isika hifaninana hazakazaka [1.1]
14  Hahavita asa soa tena ilaina ny Tetezamita raha manome ainga vao, na manavao mihitsy ny fifanakalozan-kevitra sosialy. [4.27]
Synonyms  15  inga

Entry (3/4)16  ainga
Part of speech  17  noun
Explanations in Malagasy  18  [1.13] hevitra mitombina iaingana
Explanations in French  19  [1.13, 1.5] principe
Vocabulary  20  Philosophy
21  Simple :
Synonyms  22  tsangan-kevitra
Compound words 

Entry (4/4)24  ainga
Part of speech  25  active verb
Explanations in Malagasy  26  [1.78] [Bezanozano] mandeha
ainga haka rano: mantsaka
andao aingatsika: andeha isika
Synonyms  27  handeha

Anagrams  28  again, agany, agian, ainga, gaina, igana, nagai, nagia

Updated on 2025/01/21